This article reminded me of it:
Parents outraged after teacher says there’s no Santa
RICHARDSON, Texas — Guess what, kids? There’s no such thing as Santa Claus!
That was a suburban music teacher’s holiday message to first-graders Monday — a remark that angered parents and prompted the school district to issue a pro-Santa statement.
Several parents made angry phone calls to Richland Elementary School in this Dallas suburb after the teacher spilled the Santa scoop.
“When you take a 6-year-old and tell him, you got to spend how much time to get him to believe again. The damage is done,” parent Michael Millett said.
Later, however, Richardson school district spokesman Tim Clark said he had good news.
“The teacher did hear from Santa Claus himself, who heard about the situation and let the teacher know that the spirit of the holidays is alive and well and to pass that message along to the students,” Clark said.
The teacher will face no disciplinary action, Clark said.
So what is my dilemma?
Well, children are taught to be honest and upright, that fibbing is wrong and a sin, and that they can always and should trust their parents.
But aren’t parents and adults hypocritical when they tell children there is a Santa Clause? Parents and adults are telling children an outright lie, yet they teach their kids not to lie – this doesn’t make sense in my head. I know there is no ill-will in doing so, and that it is all for fun, but is it the right thing to do? How is a child suppose to differentiate between who is not real (Santa) as opposed to who is real (God, Jesus, Angels)?
I’m not sure how to think about this, and would like anyone’s thoughts.
FYI: I’m not a parent, but just trying to get some perspective.
I have an 8 year old and a 3 year old. The 3 year old just identifies with the image of Santa. I don’t think she understands the whole “gifts from Santa” thing. My 8 year old…well, he’s very smart. If he knows that Santa isn’t real, I don’t think he’d say anything, just to keep it alive for his little sister. He hasn’t mentioned “asking Santa” for anything this year, but he has told us what he wants. If he outright asked, I would explain it honestly…the tradition, where it came from, the “REAL” Santa, etc. I’ve never told him that he must believe in Santa or he’s gonna die or go to hell. It’s not a matter of salvation. It’s the same as the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
I honestly don’t understand the whole thing either. Maybe it’s some sort of humbling type thing…why would we (as parents) spend our hard earned money on the children we love and give someone else (who doesn’t even exist) all the credit? I guess it’s just part of the commercialism of Christmas. Think of all the people who would be out of a job if there were no Santa…
Did you mean this right? “But aren’t parents and adults hypocritical when they tell children there is no such as thing as Santa Clause?”
Don’t you mean there being hypocritical to say there is a Santa? Since Santa is not real.
I get asked this about 100x each Christmas. I tell families to do what they wish; but in my house, Santa is all fun and games. We’ve never actually spoken like Santa is REAL, and that has been on purpose. My kids look at Santa in the same way they look at SpongeBob or Nemo. Just a fun thing to talk about and watch on Television, but not real in anyway. Does this make sense?
Of course, as a minister I have to say…., you would be doing your child a great disservice to not talk about the baby Jesus this time of year. One thing all children can relate to is being small, humble, and being a kid. Why not tell them that this was the very way the Saviour of the entire universe came to earth? My son is 3, and gets the concept of Jesus in a manger, born to Mary, with the Christmas Star leading the wisemen to Jesus… AND yes, yes, yes, I know the details of biblical history might differ from the traditional story of Jesus as seen on TV, but it’s the heart of the matter not the details that matter when children are really small.
I think that should be a decision of the parents and not the teachers.
I agree with stacygirl… why let some guy that doesn’t exist get all the credit for these gifts that I worked hard to provide.
My son knows about Santa, he just doesn’t believe in him. Santa is just something fun we talk about each year…just like Frosty the Snowman.
But, I think the teacher had no right to say what they did.