Click on the pic for the full version. It made me laugh.

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7 Responses to Click on the pic for the full version. It made me laugh.

  1. Anonymous says:

    So creationism is just a fable now? Compared to the Stork? Wow!

    How sad……

  2. i think its just a parody of things poking fun at the argument it self, not to be taken seriously or for one to take one side or the other. at least that is how I took it.

  3. Gabe says:

    It’s the beauty of satire. Long live The Onion, too.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it’s a parody of a parody making a parody of itself?

  5. Stephen Tapp says:

    Man those clowns don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re totally picking in ID. Big bunch of chickens… It is funny though.

  6. Stephen Tapp says:

    Why do people post anon? It’s more fun to know who’s who.

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