All of Star Wars as a 168 animated pixelart gif

This is a 168k animated gif that manages to render in pixelart animation nearly every important scene in Star Wars Episode Four.

And here is The Empire Strikes Back:

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3 Responses to All of Star Wars as a 168 animated pixelart gif

  1. Hey, I pressed it and nothing works for me! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I’m such a STAR WARS geek and I need the fix!

  2. Oh, HA HA…said with extreme sarcasm. So, there is nothing good in those movies eh? HUMPH! I may have to go over there and pop your bag!

  3. Okay, I was able to get the Empire Stikes Back…what about A New Hope? I’ll let your bag remain intact. I see now that you were not trying to be sly about the interesting thing. My apology.

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