So Gabe and I were IM’ing and he asked me how things are going. I’m pretty open and frank with with, so I let him know things were going OK more or less except for the pimple I have in my nostril. He wasn’t aware such a thing could happen, so I took some pics. You can view the nostril pimple here or here.
Yuck… now I want to puke!
LOL. you didn’t have to click on the link. 😉
I applaud your guts! Name the pimple; ensure that its soul is saved. Wouldn’t want to cross the bridge into eternity sans your new buddy.
I know but something drew me there. It wouldn’t let me stop. It was an evil force from your pimple that made me click on the link.
Dame that pimple!
NOw I know that your pimple is evil. It knew I was talking about it and it sent it’s evil vibes through the internet and gave me a pimple right on the tip of my nose.
Dame that pimple!