Bag of Randomness for Monday, May 8, 2017

  • The stress test wasn’t too bad and I think I could have pushed myself long if not for my bad back. I go back for an evaluation at the end of the month, but there wasn’t anything alarming.
  • If I recall correctly, it costs close to $40 to get your yearly automobile inspected in Texas. But it only cost me $7 this year for my Nissan Leaf because the emissions portion of the test wasn’t needed since it’s emissions-free.
  • It’s well-known airlines oversell their flights. If I were a greedy airline executive, I’d charge an optional non-refundable no-bump fee of $35 for the first 100 passengers to guarantee you wouldn’t lose your seat. Also, during booking, I’d ask the customer should the airline need a seat, if they are willing to be one of the first selected for an airline credit of at least $200, which could increase depending on circumstances.
  • WifeGeeding and disagree on many things, one of which, where to store ketchup. I say the refrigerator and she says in the pantry because that’s how she grew up. I took some delight in forwarding her this Buzzfeed post.
  • I think a lof of people feel stress from all the things they need to do, but sometimes I feel a lot of stress from the things I’ve started and haven’t completed. I normally like to do one task and complete it from start to finish, but due to the nature of my job, that isn’t an option.
  • I’ve always wondered what it costs to lease space in a mall for a kiosk. On the most recent episode of ‘Shark Tank’, one person revealed it cost him $67 a day. I’m also sure it depends on the mall, but at least I now know a ballpark figure.
  • Mental Floss – Why Did Soap Operas Look Different From Other TV Shows?
  • Mental Floss – Why Is There a Huge Cotton Ball in My Aspirin Bottle?
    • I’m sure most of you already know the answer, but I thought it was interesting on how it’s no longer needed.
  • I was channel flipping yesterday and landed on a show called “Expedition Texas” which featured the Connelle Hotel in Eastland. A person on the show stated it was the grandest hotel between Dallas and El Paso from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Those are fighting words for any resident of Mineral Wells. But to give them their fair due, I did a little online research. I really couldn’t find anything to back up the claim. So I’ll continue to be a resident of Mineral Wells who can’t let go of the Baker and it’s glory years.
  • Some YouTube videos allow you to make a GIF.
  • N.J. college loses $1.25M … for not double spacing grant application
  • The US Air Force’s X37-B space plane is back home after its fourth missionThe robotic vehicle spent 719 days in space
  • My son died in 1994 but his heart only stopped beating this year
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Monday, May 8, 2017

  1. John Mackovic says:

    Did I just hear Bob Sturm mention that he's received emails describing how Doug Free would mow his yard while shirtless?

  2. Triple Fake says:

    the info on the ketchup bottle says "For best results…". It doesn't say it's required or "Refrigerate after opening". If it gets used on a regular basis, it won't go bad on you. But then, I don't normally keep it in my house, because it never gets used. I do have some jalapeno ketchup, but it hasn't been opened yet.
    It says the same thing on the mustard bottle, and I never refrigerate that.

    I also heard the Sturminator's comment, and immediately thought of you!

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