Bag of Randoness


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2 Responses to Bag of Randoness

  1. Ladies Man says:

    I shall never be known as the toilet slayer! I submit that the toilet had been rigged, on it's last legs, and just waiting for someone to be blamed for it's lack of structural integrity. Believe me readers! This toilet issue cannot stand, man!

  2. Ben W. says:

    The article re: Colorado highlights a statistic that should provide a common ground for pro-life and pro-choice supporters, but sadly it won't. The more freely available birth control is, the fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions there are. If both sides would focus on reducing unwanted pregnancies, they'd both get the results they want.

    The article on hell was interesting. I have been questioning this topic myself, off and on, for the past year or so. The Formerly Fundie blogger, Benjamin Covey, recently did a short series on hell that was very thought provoking. I particularly enjoyed this post, which discusses a concept called "annihilationism," which provides a logical (and scripturally supported) argument against the concepts of both a literal hell and its opposite, universalism. It's worth a read, if you have a few minutes:

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