7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics

1. Both political parties go to church.

2. Political talk radio and cable “news” only want ratings.

3. Those who argue over politics don’t love their country more than others. They just love to argue more than others.

4. Thinking your party’s platform is unflawed is a mistake.

5. Scripture tells us to pray for our governing leaders (2 Timothy 2:1-4) and to respect those in authority (Romans 13:1-7).

6. Don’t be paranoid.

7. Stop saying, “This is the most important election in the history of our nation.” It’s not. The most important election in the history of our nation was when Abraham Lincoln was elected president.

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10 Responses to 7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics

  1. RPM says:

    Wise words. I wish more people understood them.

  2. anonymous says:

    I think the most important election in the history of our nation was the voting by the Continental Congress to start our nation. I'm pretty sure we never have and never will top that one.

  3. Ben W. says:

    Thank you, Keith, for posting this. It nearly perfectly encapsulates how I feel about the entire political process. I quit reading Relevant a while back for various reasons, but perhaps I need to look at it again. Thank you!!

  4. Paul Clifford says:

    This is how I think of it:

    If you have a friend who seems really smart about everything, but seems stupid in politics, it isn't that person who's stupid. He's convinced by good reasons that you either missed or don't understand.

  5. Brent says:

    What's funny is that people on both sides probably think it's their friends who need to read this!

  6. Pingback: Weekly Meanderings

  7. Coco says:

    I agree with all of the point except the last one. The most important election is ALWAYS the current one. The ones in past have already been decided and it's the one at present (at any given point in time) which shapes the future.

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