The Tea Party might have a quasi-mainstream official platform, but it also seems to be a magnet for far right loonies, angry racists, borderline psychotics and those that are simply grossly misinformed.
These shirts are for those fringe nutjobs that make the Tea Party rallies so much fun to read about.
Actually, I know a lot of Tea Partiers, and they are the sanest, most hard-working, most intelligent people I've met, which is more than I can say for most liberals that I meet. The message that the Tea Party is racist/crazy/whatever is promulgated by the media, which of course, is liberal, so it's to be expected, even though it's entirely untrue.
Those signs ARE funny, but they're definitely not representative of the Tea Party's concerns or beliefs. They ARE representative of liberals' beliefs of what the Tea Party stands for, which really just reflects badly on liberals.
Really … the most intelligent people you've met? You don't get out much do you Marvin … this comment seems to have blown up in your face … much like your ray-gun.
Liberals = not hard working, unintelligent, and insane.
I think you left your credibility on this issue at the door, Marvin.
I'm a liberal Democrat and proud to say it. But, I also agree with the Republican party on many issues. I can't stand the Tea Party. My understanding is that it is based off of Christian values but I hear more hate in there than love. All the same, as I get older I try to avoid two subjects…politics and religion. I'm starting to notice I get more passionate about each as I get older.
But, the real question is – does it all even matter anyway? I live in Texas. My vote is always a silent drop in the well when you vote for anything other than Republican. 🙁
I can't tell what parts of the Tea Party I might agree with because they don't seem to have a single spokesperson or unified platform. If they are for reigning in spending, I'm willing to go along with them as long as they are talking about the biggest discretionary item in the budget: Defense spending. What I makes me suspicious of them is that they arose instantaneously with Obama's election and their platform revolved around the theme, "Let's Take America Back". Guys, we just had an election campaign that lasted over a year, followed by a democratic election. Everyone had a chance to vote; its over. It sounded more like sour grapes than a specific issue. Somewhat unrelated: between 20 to 25% of Americans still believe Obama is a muslim. And this even after the Rev Wright flap. People need to start reading more.
Keith: I ran across your website and I noticed that you describe yourself as a Christian. When I read this post, I found myself wondering: why a follower of Jesus Christ would write such rude and inflammatory words? I am not a "tea-partier" and I do not view them as the solution to our political problems. You certainly are entitled to your opinions, and I have no problems with the fact that you disagree with this group and choose to express that disagreement through your blog. I just do not understand why you would do so in such a vitriolic way. How does this post honor and affirm the one who died for your sins and mine, and who invites us to be transformed into people of love and grace?
Hello Bruce –
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
As I do with the majority of my posts, I simply post the information about a certain subject, topic, or news item and refrain from any personal comment – as I did in this case.
One of my goals with this silly website is to simply post something and try to encourage perspective and thought, not to necessary be a place for voicing my opinions or views.
So in this case, just because I posted about a website that makes tee-shirts about Obama and the Tea Party does not mean that I support either thought, the goal was to try to bring perspective to those who otherwise would have never seen it.
I have to admit my feelings are a bit hurt that you would just assume that something I post is my way of supporting something that you see as vitriolic and would cast judgment about me, especially since I didn't provide any personal comment on the post. But I suppose that's what democracy is all about, the clashing of opinions.
I sincerely apologize for assuming these words were yours, and for any hurt you experienced as a result of my assumption. At the same time, I encourage you to think twice before serving as a forwarding agent for mean-spirited comments. Saying "I didn 't create these words; I just passed them on" does not absolve you of responsibility. And now that I better understand the purpose of your blog, I don't see how such a post fulfills your stated goal of encouraging perspective or thought. It doesn't take much thought to label others with thoughtless, pejorative terms. I would hope that as followers of Christ we could engage in a higher level of discourse…even when we disagree.
I wholeheartedly take responsibility for the post and certainly don't want to shy way from doing so, and even if you may disagree, I take pride in doing so because it's my belief that I may be bringing one point of view to another who may have never thought of it or been exposed to it, and that in turns encourages perspective and thought. That's why I think most of my readers keep coming back.
Personally, I found the satire to be funny and it fits my sense of humor, and I can totally understand how others may not prefer it. I love hearing opposing views, even if they are crude, because it brings perspective and helps me understand why they may think or believe in a particular way. But I haven't felt convicted or anything about it, if anything, my Christian friends are like minded and encourage me to post such things. It's help me to develop a certain sense of tolerance or acceptance, or in other words, to be more graceful.
I'm not asking you to agree or to change your thoughts, but just wanted to give you my perspective.
I remember the third or fourth Simpsons Halloween special, when they were still doing the opening bit with the gravestones. One of them read "RIP – Subtle Political Satire", or some such.
Boy were they wrong. Matt Groening is an IDIOT.
That is all.
Keith – Thanks for your clarifying response. I'm glad that you and your like-minded friends find this kind of exchange enjoyable and enlightening, and I'm glad that you see yourself becoming more tolerant, accepting, and graceful. As for me…I'll pass, thank you. I'm always happy to engage opposing views, but I don't believe it's necessary to do so in ways that crudely demean other human beings. I'm sorry that you feel differently.
I'll just leave you with one final thought: I doubt anyone who identifies with the tea party (which may include fellow believers) would find this post to exhibit an ounce of tolerance, acceptance, or grace.
While I appreciate your friendliness, I'm in total disagreement with you, especially with your 'final thought.'
Since you left me with a parting thought, I'll leave you with one as well – If you are offended by any of the material on my website and don't get my humor or feel that my personality is not up to your standards, then it's probably best that you simply not visit.
I actually find this post quite amusing. I'm a christian and I still find this funny… I'm sure everyone has laughed at a joke that was clearly inappropriate. It's odd how one can laugh at a racist/sexually crude/ religiously offensive joke and yet when christianity is joked about there always has to be one "christian" and goes on the offense.
For your sake Keith, I really hope that you won't be hunted down by immigrants, Canadians, homeless people, gays and worst of all Sauron who hails from Mordor… I think Sauron will be very offended by your blasphemous words again Jebus.
Keith: I came across your website and I am highly offended. How could someone that likes bacon use the color blue in their website. Honestly, what is the matter with you? Couldn't you have gone with a bacon theme and not blasphemed against the bacon gods. I happen to be a follower of the bacon gods and they are freaking pissed off at your color scheme. They say you should use a pork colored theme, don't ask me what a pork colored theme is … I am simply the messenger and do not find myself responsible for the words of the bacon gods. Also, I do not care for turkey bacon and do not think it is the solution to this country's cholesterol problems. However, I doubt that anyone that does enjoy the limp tasteless junk that is turkey bacon would find your color scheme to exhibit an ounce of tolerance, acceptance, or grace.