Bag of Randomness for DaughterGeeding’s Eighth Birthday or The Last Day of May 2018

  • I can’t remember if I mentioned I donated blood recently and it didn’t go well. They started on my left arm and something went wrong, then they used my right arm and something caused sharp pain so they had to stop and I was left with one heck of a bruise. Yesterday they called, and when I looked at the Caller ID I was perplexed as to why they were calling. My first thought was, this is how they tell people they tested positive for something, but I have no reason to think why I should test positive for anything. It turns out they simply wanted to check how I was feeling and apologized again for what happened.
  • Kansas City Chiefs’ Laurent Duvernay-Tardif Earns Medical Doctorate from McGill University – When it comes to the four major sports, I wonder how many players have actually earned a medical doctorate while still playing.
  • I like that DaughterGeeding is proud of her Vietnamese heritage, she gets excited anytime she hears about the country, but I had to tell her to tone down that excitement anytime the Vietnam War is mentioned.
  • BoyGeeding was trying to argue that he’s white and American and his sister was simply half-Asian.
  • I was determined my children were going to be born with U2 playing in the background. When WifeGeeding was in labor, I had their entire catalog playing on random. DaughterGeeding was born to U2’s “Jesus Christ”.
  • Car salesman farted in coworker’s office, pinched his nipples to ‘reinforce dominance,’ lawsuit says
  • ‘The Americans’
    • I didn’t like the finale, but then again, a lot of finales don’t live up to my expectations. Once again, it’s about the journey the show takes you on, not the destination. It was still one heck of a television series.
    • I don’t see Stan doing what he did. I know the show had to go in one direction or another, but I just don’t see Stan doing what he did. It was out of character. I also thought Elizabeth acted out of character. She was always very cold and didn’t get hung up on emotion, I thought she would easily abandon her son.
    • I like how the audience is left to guess if Renee, Stan’s wife, is a spy or not. I think she is.
    • I think Stan ends up adopting Henry, but I have no idea if Henry is still going to be able to go to that private school.
    • I like how Stan’s boss and how his character evolved or was promoted through the series.
    • Paige exiting the train didn’t surprise me.
    • Of course, I liked that U2’s “With or Without You” was played.
    • I’d like to think that Phillip visits Martha, remember her?
    • My preferred ending would have had Elizabeth being killed. Stan catching  Phillip, and Phillip brokering a deal with the FBI and adopting the American way of life, just like real life Russian spy Jack Barsky. If you haven’t seen the ’60 Minutes’ segment on him, it’s fantastic.
  • When I was in the Baptist and other Evangelical churches, I would sometimes hear folks worrying about things becoming “too Catholic” – Christ statue removed from SC Baptist church for being ‘too Catholic,’ artist says
  • The First Lady has still not been seen in public, but she tweeted yesterday. However, it reads like it was written by her husband.
  • I didn’t see the first Wreck-It Ralph movie but a sequel is coming out and this image caught my attention.
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7 Responses to Bag of Randomness for DaughterGeeding’s Eighth Birthday or The Last Day of May 2018

  1. Seymore says:

    Someone reading Geeding’s blog should know where Green has gone.

  2. Paul says:

    Maybe he fell Overboard? (Check out his last entry)

  3. Baryshbachev says:

    Man, I really liked The Americans finale. Everything I could say is mentioned here:

    And, technically, BoyGeeding or GirlGeeding will have to change the Hall of Fame on this blog to Quarter-Asian when they inherit it 🙂

  4. Baylor Too says:

    I think that Barry and Melania have run off together.

  5. RPM says:

    As far as the story is concerned, I was a bit disappointed in The Americans finale. I wanted a different ending along the lines of what you posted (I wanted Elizabeth to get caught). Cinematicaly, it was fantastic. The long travel sequence with no dialogue reminded me of a Coen brothers film. Outstanding cinematography and will probably/should be submitted for the Emmys. Gonna miss this show.

  6. Bryan B says:

    I’m no prude and I hate to sound get all “get off my lawn” here, but there was probably a time when a major, mainstream newspaper wouldn’t have dared to put the words “fart” and “nipple” in an article headline. Just to show you I’m no prude, I laughed out loud at the “weaponizing his farts” line in the article.

    There is no way that wasn’t the toddler-in-chief writing Melania’s tweet. At the very least, Barry wrote it in an attempt to make it look like it came from Trump, thus making their somewhat simultaneous absences appear that much more peculiar.

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