Bag of Randomness for the First Day of December 2017

  • That vanity plate reminds me of that George W. Bush commencement speech, “To those of you who are graduating this afternoon with high honors, awards, and distinctions, I say, ‘Well done.’ And as I like to tell the C students: You too, can be President of the United States.” It’s a good line he’s used more than once. At SMU he ends it with “president” but in this other clip, he ends it with “President of the United States.
  • I’ve been thinking a lot about my upcoming back surgery, which will probably happen sometime early next year. I’ll be honest, I’m scared, for all the reasons you can imagine. However, seeing Tiger Woods play professional competitive golf yesterday was encouraging. His surgery was performed on April 19 this year, that’s roughly 225 days ago. I’m basically having the same spinal fusion surgery. He had his L5/S1 fused and I’ll have my L4/L5 fused. He’s just four months younger than me and we are both half-Asian, so he’s the best thing I can compare myself to. Granted, I’m not a professional athlete nor do I have his competitive spirit or mental fortitude. I’m still surprised out of all the places he could have had his surgery, he had it here at the Texas Back Institute.
  • I feel like Jeff Heath is the modern day Bill Bates minus the aw-shucks.
  • I think it’s stupid that the Cowboys have to play a Thursday night game especially since they already have a Thursday game on their schedule (Thanksgiving). But then again, I think the NFL having games on a Thursday night is stupid in the first place.
  • Unconscious Patient With ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Tattoo Causes Ethical Conundrum at Hospital
    • Typically, DNRs are formal, notarized documents that a patient gives to their doctor and family members. Tattoos, needless to say, are a highly unorthodox—but arguably direct—means of conveying one’s end-of-life wishes. That said, this patient’s tattoo presented some undeniable complications for the hospital staff. Is a tattoo a legal document? Was it a regretful thing the patient did while he was drunk or high? Did he get the tattoo, but later change his opinion? On this last point, a prior case does exist in which a patient’s DNR tattoo did not reflect their wishes (as the authors wrote in this 2012 report: “…he did not think anyone would take his tattoo seriously…”).
  • Walmart takes down T-shirt about killing journalists
  • This picture is a bit surreal. That really is Cowboys coach Tom Landry speaking to Redskins QB Joe Theismann at practice, the one before 1983 Pro Bowl.
  • Closed toilet seat alerts Michigan man to early-morning intruder
  • New York City Has Genetically Distinct ‘Uptown’ and ‘Downtown’ Rats
  • U2’s new album is available today and they are the musical guest on SNL.
  • Jimmy Kimmel and Judge Roy Moore got into a Twitter spat yesterday:
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness for the First Day of December 2017

  1. joe says:

    A DNR in Texas does not require a notary. It can be signed by a doctor and the patient and 2 witnesses, or it can be signed by the POA along with the doctor and two witnesses that have no relationship to the patient. A bracelet or necklace with the Texas seal and DNR will also suffice when away from the house. However a valid OOHDNR (out of hospital DNR) is useful only in the ED or out in the public and not while inpatient. A DNR can be revoked at anytime by tearing up the paper or removing the bracelet/necklace.

  2. Suzi says:

    As scary as your upcoming surgery is, Tiger is a great benchmark and bodes well for your results.

  3. Alex Kecskes says:

    How many rings does this Barry Sanders have?Yeah

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