Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, October 3, 2017

  • My mother used to tell me stories of living in Vietnam with my father and at times gunfire and explosions would happen. Each and every time, she said Dad protected her by covering her with his body. When I saw the shooting in Las Vegas, I wondered if I would first cower and drop to the ground to protect myself or would first protect my family. I guess there’s no real way of knowing unless such and even happens.
  • My mind wonders when it comes to these tragedies and I fear it may come across as insensitive. For instance, there were reports of people giving victims rides to the hospital. If the victim was bleeding and the car’s interior became bloodstained because of a good deed, I’m guessing insurance wouldn’t cover the ruined interior. I’m also curious to know what the Mandalay Bay hotel’s website looks like after such an event and how they may accommodate guests. I’m curious to know what will happen to that hotel room, will it ever be rented out again? Has Ariana Grande reached out to Jason Aldean since both how now had a terrorist event happened at their concert?
  • Per Reddit, this was the messy scene inside Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center in Las Vegas on Sunday night.
  • On the ‘CBS Evening News’, they reported during the chaos, citizens were taking shotguns out of parked police cars to protect themselves.
  • I notice both Obama and Trump will say “Scripture tells us . . . ” instead of saying “The Bible tells us . . .” It’s like they are trying to be forward but not too forward.
  • I replied back thanking that parent who complimented BoyGeeding on his flag football tackling and he responded back with another compliment. I didn’t provide a picture yesterday because I really didn’t think it lived up to his compliment he just happened to catch BoyGeeding at a good moment, but perhaps that parent is able to witness more things on the field than me as I’m preoccupied making sure the kids are getting enough playing time and enjoying themselves. He did, however, lead both teams in tackles on Friday. Maybe it’s all because of how he practices tackling with DogGeedingII.
  • For some reason, on Twitter, George Foreman challenged Steve Seagal to fight. George Foreman is another one of those guys who just makes me happy.
  • During Texas/OU weekend, former Texas running back Ricky Williams will be hosting a beer-yoga class.
  • I wasn’t much of a Tom Petty fan but I did appreciate his music, so here’s my little tribute. And the day a U2 member dies, this blog might suddenly go off the air.

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