Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Screenshot 2016-08-29 at 8.29.14 PM

  • That picture above is circa 1985, so I was probably turning ten. I can only guess it’s 1985 because there are Voltron plates, and the cartoon’s original air date was in September 1984.
    • See that guy right next to me waiting for the first slice of cake? That’s my friend Jimi who moved to Chicago and did a recent guest post.
    • I miss that old “analog” microwave. It was a lot like the one below. You turned the dial and the meter would fill up with color and then slowly drop time went by. It was always a trick trying to set it for something under ten seconds. And it was a challenge turning the dial to make it end faster than or originally set. You may be wondering why not just open the door? Well, back then, you could still open the door with the microwave on.
  • WifeGeeding has recently exposed the kids to our Nintendo unit that’s been gathering dust, and now the kids are addicted to Super Mario Bros. fighting over who gets to play first. Yesterday morning, BoyGeeding woke us up at 4:30 AM, fully dressed, asking us if he could “save the princess” before SisterGeding wakes up.
  • I wasn’t that much of a Gene Wilder fan. There were lots of mentions of him being reunited with Gilda and some referencing her as “his true love”.  It makes me wonder if they knew Wilder remarried, and how would his widow feel about reading those comments.
  • I’ve always thought ABC News provides the least substantive content, that they cater more towards emotion and pop-culture. With that in mind, ABC’s ‘World New Tonight’s first story was the death of Gene Wilder. NBC and CBS both led with Clinton top aid Huma Abedin splitting with Anthony Weiner. I’m not sure how NBC ended their evening news broadcast, but CBS ended with Wilder’s death.
  • I can count on one hand the number of times WifeGeeding has talked to me about something I posted on this blog. She never once has expressed any concern about any content or something personal shared, in case y’all were wondering.
  • I may have mentioned this before, but WifeGeeding’s grandmother will turn 100 in mid/late September. WifeGeeding wants to submit her photo to NBC’s ‘Today’ to appear one of those Smucker’s jar, but she’s worried she might “jinx” things.
  • The Dallas Shake Shake will have some Pecan Lodge stuff in a burger. It will also include items from other Dallas purveyors Emporium Pies and Dude Sweet Chocolate.
  • I’ve never been comfortable trimming my dogs’ nails, but I recently trimmed/ground them with a Dremel rotary tool. It worked well and the dogs were surprisingly cooperative.
  • When Romo injured his back, KTVT had a spinal surgeon on to talk about the injury and noted he was a former player for a Packers Super Bowl team. The next day I saw him on WFAA, and yesterday he was on The TICKET. If anyone is benefitting from the injury, it’s him.
  • NBC had a chance to air ‘The Walking Dead’ but wasn’t sure about the zombie aspect:
    • According to Hurd, their response was, “Do there have to be zombies [in it].” NBC then asked Darabont if the show could be a procedural in which the two main protagonists would “solve a zombie crime of the week,” she said.
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, August 30, 2016

  1. Ben W. says:

    If your kids are loving Super Mario Bros., this might be a good idea for Christmas – I know there's one on my list:

  2. John Mackovic says:

    I think we had a couch made with the same material as your drapes.

  3. Nathan says:


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