3 Responses to Tie Knot of the Day – The Tulip

  1. Ben W. says:

    A man needs to know how to tie three types of knots with his necktie: the half Windsor, the full Windsor, and the four-in-hand. The choice between these three is based on the width of his necktie and his collar. A man who chooses any other style of knot is a dandy.

    That being said, the examples you've posted are quite fancy. They look like something an overly controlling bride would make her groom (and his groomsman) do for their wedding.

  2. towski says:

    I agree with Ben 100%. The even larger affront, btw, is to perform these abominations using an Hermes tie.

  3. Jason says:

    They should have called it the clitoris knot.

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