Bag of Randomness

  • GoDaddy made up for their lack of an apology yesterday.  In an email they stated, “…your account will be credited for the value of 1-month of service for each of your active/published sites.”
  • To try to recover in the polls from the Obama post convention bounce, Mitt Romney rushed his statement yesterday, but his message was off base and he ended doing a little backtracking.  It’s like he just rolled out a Jump to Conclusions Mat and made his decision based on his jump.
  • A YouTube video of Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind – A particular movie quote came to my mind when watching that video, “Like anyone can ever know that.”
  • Back in 2004 Kathy Bates was treated and recovered from ovarian cancer, this year she had a double mastectomy.
  • Paul McCartney named world’s richest lead singer – Bono is second on the list followed by Jimmy Buffet, Elton John, and Mick Jagger.
  • “Every man knows he is a sissy compared to Johnny Cash.” — Bono
  • Drunk North Korean man floats to South Korea and freedom
  • Comedian goes above and beyond to reach out to suicidal fan
  • I want to email a tech writer and ask them to write an article about how much cheaper the Jerrytron can be built for day.  Even though just a few years have passed, I bet millions can be saved.  It cost Jerry $35 million to build that screen.
  • Shark Tank will be back on the air this Friday.  Trust me, it’s better than you probably think it is, it’s worth a try.
  • SNL starts back up this Saturday, and Jay Pharoah will take over Obama the impersonation.  I’m glad to see him get a bigger role because I think he was the most underutilized talent last year.
  • Levi Johnston is a father again, I can’t help but think of this movie opening.
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One Response to Bag of Randomness

  1. Stefanie says:

    Thank you for posting the above pic. I have been so angry over what happened in Libya. I was shocked when their Arab spring was actually successful in ridding themselves of Gaddafi. Here is a country that is just now in the process of rebuilding itself but will now have to deal with the uselessness of extremists…a sec of people that is very small and not representative of the entire population, the overall culture or the Muslim religion.

    As for the director of that damn movie and every investor, thank you for killing four innocent Americans. And, thank you for reminding the world of the ugly side of free speech. Your hatred and ugliness is just as much to blame as the extremists that are destroying a country's reputation.

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