Voting for a Christian America Promo Video

A little info on this organization:

Champion the Vote is an initiative of United in Purpose (UiP), a non-partisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to actively advance the traditional values of America’s founding fathers.

UiP provides resources and infrastructure for like-minded Christian organizations and ministries to educate and mobilize their constituencies for the common cause of bringing the Biblical worldview to the forefront of American life and politics.

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2 Responses to Voting for a Christian America Promo Video

  1. Ben says:

    Perhaps the creators of this video could return to elementary school and learn how many states there are (or that the "bright stars" on the flag represent that number). The first flag shown has 66 stars, while the second has 60. I guess they're moving in the right direction, though, so kudos for that.

  2. Theangrypanda says:

    The creators of this video and proponents behind a supposed "non-partisan" organization are also the people behind "Rediscover God In America". This other "mission" counts Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and Michelle Bachman amongst its key speakers. Right.

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