Bag of Randomness

  • Back in high school I use to laugh at the notion of crying at things on television or the big screen, and then a thing called perspective gave me a swift kick between the legs.  In a little under 20 years since those high school days, I’ve had a health scare or two and  lost and mended friendships.  I’ve seen first hand how the once strong bodies of my parents deteriorate and then pass on.  I’ve had the closest of friends, and those not so close, all within a few years of my age, die unexpectedly and make me realize that I’m actually mortal.  Two great dogs that knew me and loved me like no other have died under my watch.  A thing called marriage will definitely make you, come darn close to breaking you only before it makes you surprisingly stronger.  Hell, I have even made adult decisions like what to deduct on taxes, refinance a house, picking a coffin, and be willing to trade the coupe in for a sedan.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve embarrassed myself and those around me.  And lets not forget that I’m new to a certain thing called parenthood.  All of that to say, I cried like a baby when I watched the series finale of Friday Night Lights last night all because of that thing called perspective.  The show did a fantastic job of not only mapping teenage and adult drama, but showcased the uniqueness, quirkiness, and the pride of a small Texas town.  “Texas Forever” is a distinctive phrase of the show.  Not only did the last episode give meaning to that phrase, but it also showed you that life and love is bigger than Texas.  I don’t expect any of you out of state folks to understand or appreciate that last sentence, but it certainly has meaning to me.
  • I also forgive the writers for the third season which got away from the heart of the show.
  • Heck, I’m thankful I got five seasons out of this show since it was threatened to be cancelled several times.
  • I just discovered that Google Chrome has apps and plugins.  I’m impressed.
  • I caught just a little bit of the new Matthew Perry show on ABC called Mr Sunshine.  I noticed two former Lost cast members were on the show.
  • Looking for something different and a bit daring to do in Dallas for Valentine’s Day?  Well, we now have one of those dining in the dark restaurants. [Thanks, Lopez!]
  • After 15 million years, this lake is about to be explored.
  • I thought O’Reilly interrupted Obama quite a bit during that interview before the Super Bowl, but I didn’t know it was 48 times.
  • All 61 Ads from Super Bowl 2011 in 2 Minutes
  • The most common phone number in the world is a Dallas phone number.
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. john says:

    Season 2 of Justified started last night also… another lost member there

  2. Kaleb says:

    Sorry, but I had to ignore the Friday Night Lights post. I just finished season 4 and waiting on 5 to be on Netflix.

  3. Sher says:

    Last year I lost my dad… A man who was worried that when I was in my 40s someone would see me and try to kidnap me.  A man who actually memorized the begats in Genesis.  As he lay dying I told him god would ask who knew John 3:16 and everyone in heaven would raise their hand but when he asked about the begats he alone would stand.  Things make me cry now they never did before.  An Ernest Tubb song while switching radio channels, a box of Valentine candy on a shelf, a stupid joke he would laugh — cause we shared a weird sense of humor that my daughter also has.  I lost a best friend.. I see her in the spring when we shared a fondness for plants and visited nurseries.  A yellow hibiscus can bring me to tears!  Two dogs that I shared my life with for 18 and 15 years… That are now with dad .. Make me smile at when I see another  person walking their beloved pet and cry as I walk down a street where they always had to visit before we came back home on a daily walk.  Yes life has a way of changing perspectives!  So lucky to have had these changes!

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