Bag of Randomness

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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. warren says:

    That Santa firing squad video is very disturbing. After all the shots Santa is still standing and smiling.

  2. George says:

    The link about the Christmas cards wishing good will toward (mostly) all is interesting. The author notices that the verse (Luke 2:14) was "and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" and now it's "and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests." There is a difference in translation between the KJV and most other modern translations… but the author seems to be suggestion that modern translators have "aimed [the message of Chistmas] at those who recognize Christ as the messiah." As if there were some motive behind it.

    So I looked into it and it seems like there is one letter difference in some early manuscripts. It's not like words were added, I wish he had explained that. He jumps out with "Spot the qualifier?" like it was slapped in there.

    Notice that the KJV wishes "peace, goodwill toward men" and the other just wishes "peace to men." There's the qualifier, "goodwill." The decision is not who to aim the message of Christmas message at but what do with a greek word. The word that means 'good will' or 'pleasing' is the last word in the phrase. In the manuscripts that the KJV used it is εὐδοκία and in most other manuscripts it's εὐδοκίας, one letter.

    In one case it would mean that the good will is going toward men. So the translators tack it onto peace (even though the word order doesn't suggest that). In the other case it modifies 'men' and becomes 'good willed men' from the subject, God… of, more commonly, "men on whom God has favor."

    These kinds of things interest me, thanks for posting!

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