Another Gas Pump Message – “One Nation Under God, If you Don’t Like it, Leave”

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3 Responses to Another Gas Pump Message – “One Nation Under God, If you Don’t Like it, Leave”

  1. Anon says:

    I see a great backlash against Christianity on the horizon.

  2. The Donald says:

    I don't particularly see this as inciting a great 'backlash' against Christianity – in the grand scheme of things, this is not a really big deal.

    While I don't normally cheer about businesses mixing their religion and commerce, and don't in this case, I nonetheless support the owner's right to program whatever lawful message he wishes on his gas pumps. If it strikes a positive chord with customers, so be it. If it offends, same thing.

    If I were a customer of his, I certainly wouldn't be offended and would not move my business, but probably wouldn't start trading there just because of the pro-Christian message either.

    Personally, I think the message sorta rings a discordant note, inasmuch as Christ invites mankind to his feast, not banishes them from it. But I can understand if the store owner feels his beliefs are under seige. I guess if I were to suggest a replacement message, it would be John 3:17.

  3. Brokelyn says:

    The more I hear about religious zealots who cannot keep their views to themselves, the more I respect the Scientologists for making a parody of organized religion.

    This guy sells gas– sell the gas, collect the money, shut up. Seriously, does he want every single patron to demonstrate their unique faith to him? Imagine Muslims rolling out their prayer rugs in front of his store, Jehovah's Witnesses prosletyzing, Hare Krishna's chanting, and so on all day around his establishment. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but do unto others….

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