Adaptive Lens Technology

Adlens lenses change power with the turn of a dial.

The operating principle of our patented liquid lens technology is simple. The lens is a hollow chamber with a thin, clear, strong plastic sheet stretched across inside.

The variable lens power comes from a clear, high refractive index fluid. The fluid is pumped into (or out of) the chamber between the plastic-like sheet and the lens. As the amount of oil increases, it pushes on the plastic sheet, changing its curvature. The more it curves, the more the lens power increases.

When the fluid is pumped back out, the lens curvature flattens, reducing the power. The base hard lens has a negative power, meaning that with little or no oil, objects are de-magnified.”

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One Response to Adaptive Lens Technology

  1. @dcmba says:

    There is a much cooler and easier option coming out early next year (hopefully). It will enter testing phase later this year. You don't have to turn any dials. It works automatically OR with a finger swipe on the temple!

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