Bag of Randomness

  • The world is slightly a better place when a Boston sports team loses to a rival, especially in a championship game, especially especially in a game seven.
  • Man, Ron Artest had the strangest comments as he was interviewed a few moments after the final buzzer went off.  He started to say thanks but the first thanks mentioned didn’t go to God or his wife or any of his family, but his hood.  Heck, he even thanked his psychiatrist.
  • Bill Russell showed a lot of class as he congratulated Kobe Bryant.
  • Magic called Kobe the best player in the world and had some other mighty nice compliments for Kobe.  That’s got to mean a lot to Kobe coming from arguably the greatest Laker of them all.
  • Earlier this week I decided to check out my hometown newspaper’s website and found myself on the obituary section scrolling through several months just to see if I recognized anyone.  It turns out my fifth grade math teacher died and he was only 59-years-old.  His age shocked me, not so much because I think he died at a ‘young’ age, but when I was in the fifth grade I guess I just assumed all teachers were already kinda old.
  • I was surprised to see that the website allowed comments on the obituary section.  With that said, I sure hope that thing is monitored.
  • Math and spelling was taught in the same class as odd as that might sound.
  • A lot of folks I talk to are surprised we had a middle school in Mineral Wells, and questioned if I meant to say junior high.  But I went from elementary school (Lamar Elementary), middle school (Robert E. Lee), junior high, and then high school.
  • Most of our schools were named after people, most of which were Texas legends William B. Travis, Sam Houston, and Mirabeau B. Lamar.  I don’t know how Robert E. Lee got a school named after him, and there was a school named Cullen Grimes, but I have no idea who that is even after using the power of the Google.
  • Cullen Grimes Elementary use to have a pet show each year and the other elementary schools were bussed to partake of the activities for a few hours.  I remember one year I stood in the face painted line.  I dunno, for some reason I always wanted to have my face painted, but the line was so long that I never got my face painted and my whole time spent at the pet show was waiting in that damn line.  Yes, I’m still bitter about it, but I remember my teacher feeling sorry for me and giving me a big hug.
  • A coworker was wearing a Southwest Conference track meet shirt yesterday.  I though it was a new shirt with a retro feel, but she informed me that she was running late this morning and tossed that twenty-year-old shirt on.  Turns out she’s a mid-distance runner and actually qualified for the Olympics.
  • School trades evangelism access for shoes, school supplies
  • Ninety-nine percent of Texas households have access to some form of broadband Internet connection
  • The BP CEO looks like that British guy on 30 Rock
  • An interesting personal printer
  • A U2 Rose Bowl DVD Easter Egg
  • Sell your products for a tweet
  • Grace
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4 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. buddy patton says:

    Really?? a better place? Probably a Yankee fan too. Just for that U2 Sucks!!!

  2. TommyBoy says:

    Not to nag, but if you don't know why Robert E. Lee is so honored, perhaps you might read one of the many outstanding biographies.

    • Geeding says:

      Thanks for the reading recommendations, TommyBoy, but I think I should have made myself more clear. Since all the other schools in Mineral Wells were named after heroes of the Texas Revolution, and since Robert E. Lee wasn't part of that event, that's why I don't understand why he got a school named after him. I certainly understand Lee's place in American history, but not sure how he got a school named after him while all the other schools were named after Texas legends.

  3. The Donald says:

    What I don't understand is why the headmaster for the New York School for the Hard of Hearing, Garrett Morris, has a parkway named for him in Mineral Wells…

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