Roadable Aircraft

Taking advantage of new FAA regulations in the Light Sport Aircraft category, Terrafugia developed the Transition® to provide pilots the convenience of a dual-purpose vehicle. Its unique design allows the Transition® to fold its wings and drive on any surface road with a modern personal airplane platform. Once at the airport, the wings extend and the aircraft is ready for take-off. Both folding and extending the wings is done from inside the cockpit.

The Transition® addresses head-on the issues private and sports pilots face: cost, weather sensitivity, high overall door-to-door travel time and a lack of mobility at destination.

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2 Responses to Roadable Aircraft

  1. Andy Box says:

    That is amazing!! Almost makes me want to get a pilot's license. =)

  2. theangrypanda says:

    A. Rotax engines scare me B. 194k … say whhaaaa?? C. the insurance cost makes me have a full body shiver (and finally) D. I could have a piper seneca with 4x the power for that money and still have money left over to put it into a hangar for several years … the end

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