National Geographic’s International Photography Contest 2009

A few pictures that caught my attention:



On the final leg of a six-week United States of America road trip, I was driving east across Interstate 40 when a spot storm with golf ball-sized hail struck. A sign near Groom, Texas, announcing the “largest cross in the western hemisphere” explained the large crucifix I’d been wondering about for miles on the highway; it seemed like an OK place to wait out the storm. On my way to getting stuck in the mud and a giant double rainbow, I saw this silhouetted view of the cross, splitting the sunny sky from the stormy plains. (Photo and caption by Brad Maule)


More pics via – The Big Picture

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One Response to National Geographic’s International Photography Contest 2009

  1. Peggy Noice says:

    We actually just stopped and visited the cross in Groom Texas just two weeks ago. Much more than just the largest cross. A beautiful place to visit. It's is really amazing… there is a website

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