Bacon Beer Mug


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6 Responses to Bacon Beer Mug

  1. warren says:

    That is truly disgusting.

  2. Steveo98 says:

    Just looking at it is making me feel Fat and out of condition !

  3. sandy says:

    Not only do you get to drink the beer but you ger to eat the mug…… Lovely.

  4. rica says:

    i love bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!! who likes bacon

  5. baconluvr says:

    I love it and I am shocked that the liquid did not leak out (great job!).

  6. Cyndi says:

    Help! Give me instructions! Need a no-fail mug for my son for a Bacon Birthday party on 9/7. If you have tried this successfully and can send accurate instructions, please do? thx!

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