Bag of Randomness

  • I came across something yesterday that made me search the Google for Tabitha Soren.  For those of you that don’t have an idea of who she is, you didn’t grow up with MTV.  But what I didn’t know was that she is married to Money Ball author Michael Lewis.
  • One of the links provided in my search results was the URL for her name, which oddly enough isn’t for her but for a photographer that goes by the same name.  There’s some artsy pictures, and in one set about motherhood you see a woman wearing a blue shirt with leaking breasts and a child flipping off the camera.  All that to day, when searching for one thing on the Internet, you never know what you may run into.
  • Sometimes I get confused using “into” and “in to.”
  • Good idea that makes me wonder why it hasn’t been used before – using prisoners to garden and sending the food to food shelters.
  • You may recall me writing about New Year’s Eve glasses, and wondering what will they do when a circle doesn’t appear in the year.  Well, I have an answer now after looking at this pair on the right.
  • Talk about a waste of money, you were those glasses for one evening, then nada.
  • The creator of 60 Minutes was behind the man behind the idea of the first televised presidential debate.
  • My favorite columnist has a new book coming out this fall.
  • Deion Sanders was on The Ticket yesterday and mentioned he has three maids.
  • Coldplay’s plane was down, so U2 loaned their plane to them.  It’s referenced towards the bottom of this post.
  • Real life Candyland on San Francisco’s Lombard Street
  • Grace
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. Shae says:

    Michael Lewis also wrote The Blindside. Saw the previews for the movie version coming out in November. It looks amazing.

  2. Buddy Patton says:

    Ruiz v. The State of Texas stopped that here. Texas Prison system used to be self -supporting. Growing their own meat and vegetables, raising cotton which was tthen made into cloth for uniforms. Animal hides were made into shoes for inmates and excess was sold to pay for upkeep. Inmates built roads etc. to benefit society. Ruiz sucessfully argued making inmates work constituted cruel and unusual punishment. Little did we know supporting oneself is cruel and unusual.

  3. carolyn says:

    If you turn someone IN TO the FBI, you are ratting him out to the feds.
    If you turn him INTO the FBI, you are magically transforming him into an entire federal bureaucracy.
    No charge for the expert opinion 🙂

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