Bag of Randomness


  • Friday night WifeGeeding and I attended a dinner at our new pastor’s house for newcomers to the church.  It consisted of about 20 people with a wide age range, from junior high students to folks in retirement.  I really enjoyed this time as it was a time to get to know someone outside of the Sunday morning small talk.  I once again learned that I should never judge a book by its cover.
  • Our church is in a “wealthy” area of DFW, the Los Colinas and Coppell communities.  I thought all along that our pastor was loaded since he’s the pastor of a church in this community and lived in Coppell.  What I didn’t know is that he first moved to Coppell when it was nothing more than a farming village, that his house was one of the first on the block, and that development of the city and community sprung around him.  I also didn’t know that Los Colinas was actually a ranch of about 10,000 acres owned by Ben H. Carpenter, a member of Highland Park Presbyterian Church.  When Carpenter sold the ranch for development, he gave a portion of it to Highland Park Presbyterian Church so that they could start a new church in the Los Colinas area, which eventually became the chuch that I’m attending and where my pastor (who came down from Indiana or somewhere that way) became the founding pastor of Hackberry Creek Church.  And that’s your bit of DFW history for the day.  I’m sure you local folk will find that interesting, I surely did.
  • We played a fun get-to-know-you game.  We basically one at a time stated all the cities in which we have lived.  The least was two, the most was 12, but the all-time record we are told is 24.
  • One lady mentioned that while she visited the St Louis Arch she was at the top, tripped, and broke her femur which had surgery and was repaired with cadaver parts.
  • As you know, I’m not much of a drinker, but don’t look down on those that do drink.  At the party wine and beer was served, and the oldest man in the room (probably mid 70’s) thought it was weird that I was only drinking water.  He then told me “to be man, and grab some alcohol.”  He actually mentioned this about three times, and it cracked me up each time.
  • I also learned that our Presbyterian pastor’s wife works in a Methodist church.
  • CBS Sunday Morning had a great segment on telescopes.  I learned two things . . . that two of Galileo’s telescopes still exist (one currently on display at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia), and that the Hubble telescope is outside of the Earth’s atmosphere because the light in our atmosphere is distort.
  • Saturday morning WifeGeeding and I drove to East Texas to surprise her mother with a Mothers’ day lunch and a new photoprinter.  During the drive we decided to listen to NRP for the first time, and found it very enjoyable.  We listened to Click and Clack and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.  Now I’m waiting for everyone to recommend This American Life to me.
  • WifeGeeding’s mother lives in a small rural town, and as I drove her to lunch she provided me with directions such as “take a left where you see that bird.”
  • I noticed WifeGeeding’s mother had two pieces of bacon leftover when we arrived.  If you fry it . . . he will come.
  • I’m impressed with the quality of today’s photoprinters.
  • On our way home, I decided to take WifeGeeding out to a place called Celebration – a place of some great down home cooking and home of the world’s best dinner rolls.  Trust me.
  • As we left, we saw a double-decker tour bus full of high school prom boys and girls pull up and start to exit into the restaurant.  I guess it’s a good idea for all of them to ride and eat together, I just never seen such a thing.
  • I have found on days that are connected to my parents such as birthdays, the holidays, or Mothers/Fathers’  days, it affects me more than I know.  I don’t think about the significance of the day or anything as it’s approaching, but find that I become more irritable until the day passes.
  • WifeGeeding and I got a letter in the mail from the church asking us to be part of a leadership committee.  As inviting as that is, I’m not sure if I’m ready for that next step.  I’m still new to this whole Mainline thing.
  • I find the Mainline church refreshing.
  • One of the NFL’s greatest referees, Ed Hochuli, took part in an online chat on  In this chat session he mentioned he’s worn a pedometer several times, and he ends up moving around six miles per game.
  • Sometimes the greatest feeling in the world is when the body expels – either sneeze, burp, and all the other stuff.  You know what I mean.
  • Justin Timerlake is a great SNL host, and I’m finding the guy more likable.
  • Sunday’s sermon was very interesting as it was over the validity of the resurrection.   I think out pastor did a fantastic job with it, and made it very compelling.
  • I found this Roomba long-exposure photograph post quite interesting.
  • Lara Logan is back from maternity leave and 60 Minutes viewers like myself rejoice.  She had a fantastic piece over the Air Force’s unmanned drones.   I knew that the pilots of these drones actually fly the them from the U.S., but she actually interviews them and give you a fascinating perspective.  For instance, they talk about the ability to concentrate without any outside interference, being able to fly over our troops while they sleep in the terrain and be their guardian angel, and then go home and eat dinner and go to church.  I was also amazed just how out of sight and quiet these drones are, not to mention their ability to fly 12-15 hours over a target.  If you are into this kind of stuff as I am, click the link above and watch the segment.
  • Lara Logan and Scott Pelley are the two best reporters out there, but Lara is better to look at and listen to with that sultry South African accent.
  • I’m a bit confused with and where you can watch full length episodes of television shows.  For instance, you can watch full length 30 Rock episodes on both sites, that just seems a bit odd.
  • I was reading a book review and this line stuck with me: The book’s title plays off Lincoln’s observation that leaders of both the Union and the Confederacy thought God was on their side.
  • More on the casket boat story.
  • A pop-quiz for biblical literalists.  Link
  • Here’s a nice story about how a Methodist pastor took a small struggling church with nothing but senior citizens and turned it into an up and coming college church by embracing the students and using technology.
  • The Amazing Race was quite interesting, especially when one of the girls that I just can’t stand that was frustrated with a challenge couldn’t remember that she saw Jesus in one of the challenges.  That line makes sense if you saw last night’s episode.  I’m so glad they didn’t win.  And I loved where the race ended, since I’m a Magnum fan and all.
  • Grace
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2 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. Jeri Ann says:

    Interesting fact…..Scott Pelley is a graduate of Texas Tech University and spoke at commencement this past weekkend! Go Red Raiders!!

  2. dan says:

    For years now I've listened to "Click and Clack"; "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me"; and yes, "This American Life" while doing my lawn and gardening work on Saturday mornings. If you research Click and Clack you'll find they have interesting backgrounds.

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