Bag of Randomness

  • Lots going on, so all I have time for is this single post for today.  I think most of you prefer the Bag of Randomness anyways.
  • I want to thank all of you that commented on my Baptists and Predestination post.  Even though I wanted to know what the SBC’s stance was on the topic, many of you left your personal views which also helped add breadth to the discussion, and some of you decided just to contact me personally about the matter, something I also appreciated.  I’m surprised and a bit disappointed some of my Baptist pastor friends didn’t comment.  But it appears that the SBC doesn’t have an “official” stance on it, there are various levels and interpretations about predestination, and the teacher in my Sunday School class was definitely wrong about all Protestant denominations believing in predestination.  No matter the belief in predestination, just let me state that I do believe in the importance of evangelism.  If you have any more comments about predestination, please comment on the original post, the link is provided above.
  • Yesterday I had one of the happiest Mondays in my life, and I can’t really explain why.  I do have a few guesses:
    • It was very U2 centric.  I got to watch the band perform on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial the night before (on TV of course), and then when I checked my email they sent me a message saying how I can listen to their new tune.  I’m warming up to it.
    • I’m happy for Kurt Warner, one of the very good guys of the NFL, making it to the Super Bowl.
    • The peaceful transfer of power is about to occur for a candidate that I really admire (check back with me in four year, but I’m hopeful.)
    • I feel I’m making progress in my spiritual life.
    • I’m working out and just feel better about myself (although I need to focus on that diet thing, and eating at Babe’s last night didn’t help.  I also think Babe’s might just be the happiest place on earth).
    • A lot of my readers have sent me personal, touching, and thought provoking emails.
  • However, I don’t understand why I had a dream in which me and Kate Walsh were involved in a relationship.  I’ve never watched any of her shows.  Maybe it’s the Cadillac commercials.
  • Lots and lots of unsold cars.  Link
  • I’ve never been much for buying botteled water.  I never want to get to the point in which I think I’m too good for what comes out of the faucet, especially when so many others in the world are struggling to get clean water.  And for me, there’s really no sacrifice for taste.
  • Besides, I don’t like spending the extra cash for something I get free, or having to put in the extra effort of carrying that water from the store to the house.
  • Not to mention, those empty bottles pile up fast.  I prefer using my CamelBak bottle and I take it almost everywhere.  It’s easy to refill, and when I work out on the elliptical it’s easier to use the spill proof nozzle rather than a squirt bottle or on that you have to unscrew.
  • Here’s a pretty cool story, and it was something I was tempted to do.  Herb Kelleher is one of the co-founders of Southwest Airlines, and I’ve always wanted to get a picture with him, shake his hand, or do what this guy did . . . simply write a letter and ask him out to lunch.
  • I actually saw Herb my second day at Southwest, he was at the ATM, and I was just too nervous to say anything.  I hope one day to get a photo with him, preferably with him giving me the bunny ears.
  • I find it interesting that Sinatra sang songs about New York and Chicago.
  • I told you that Forrest Gump and Benjamin Buttons were the same movie.  YouTube
  • Not too long ago I made a comment about bringing Ray Lewis to the Cowboys, now the rumors are out there.
  • Since the history of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, I wonder how many presidents have left office with the Dow lower than when they first arrived in office.  For instance, Dubya was sworn in on Saturday January 20, 2001, and the Dow closed at 10,578.24 that following Monday.  Friday January 16, 2009 was last day the stock exchanges where opened on his presidency, and the Dow closed at  8,281.22.
  • The way the Daily Show ended last night was priceless.  It involved White House Press Secretary Dana Perino in a taped message performing a whole Men In Black memory erase routine.  It’s nice to see she has a sense of humor.
  • I love the pomp and circumstance of an inauguration, but think all that money could be better spent.  The same goes for such an extended election process.
  • I’ve watched every inauguration since the first Bush.
  • Patriotic Port-A-Potties
  • The BBC found a great MLK video.
  • And I’m going to politically geek out like I did eight years ago.  As soon as Obama is sworn in, I’m going to see how soon the White House’s website changes.  And remember, it’s, not
  • I predict Dubya and Obama’s Wikipedia pages will be updated before the White House’s website.
  • It’s not even March Madness yet and there is an As Seen On TV Bracket.
  • My Favorite Llano Estacado Pastor thinks cats are stupid, he might have a point.
  • The geese that caused the plane to crash land in the Hudson.  Link
  • I love you more than _________.
  • Lost returns on Wed and will start with a Willie Nelson song.  Here’s a great sneak preview that will get your juices a-flowing.
  • Today’s random TV them show song is from another show I’ve never seen a single episode of and I only have a vague idea of what it was about.
  • It’s great Living in America.
  • Grace
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