Bag of Randomness

  • I had that meeting with that Presbyterian pastor for what I thought would be an hour long conversation, it ended up being two hours, and it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.
  • It was one of the few times that I totally opened up and held nothing back.  I’m thankful that the pastor made me feel comfortable enough to do so, and I never had that feeling that he was judging me.  He’s a man full of grace.
  • Some but not all of the topics we discussed: infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible, denominational differences, the Reformation, Martin Luther, Calvinism, pre-destination, politics, theological interpretation and doctrin, sin and salvation, life after death, baptism, creation, Jonah, evolution, altar calls, the defintion of orthodox, the Bible Belt, creeds, all sorts of gray areas, books, local churches and their leaders, grace
  • He seemed impressed about the way I’ve been studying and going about my spiritual journey.  Actually he was pretty complimentary.
  • I brought up Bono in our conversation, and then he informed that just a few months ago he had a four week series over U2’s gospel message.  It was cool talking U2 with a 57-year-old and discussing a book about them we both read, but man I wish I knew about that series four months ago.
  • Entering an office for the first time is always interesting, espcially if you really don’t know much about the guy you are meeting with.  I noticed that he’s a big fan of Lincoln and Churchill, but the most interesting thing I spotted was a Napoleon Dynamite figure on his desk.  But the picture of the temple wall was also captivating.
  • This may be the denomination I longed for but never knew existed.  I wish I grew up Presbyterian.  It’s not perfect, but then again, nothing is except for Christ.
  • I have a feeling some of my friends are disappointed with what I’m doing.  But I live for Christ, not for them.
  • But I do have some friends that have done nothing but encourage me in my efforts.  One of them is even an Eagles fan.
  • It’s really hard to me to move on from my current church, but I feel like in order to grow in Christ I’m going to have to let go.
  • Steve Jobs may be sicker than everyone believes.
  • There appears to be a problem with parking cars on lawns in Houston.  Link
  • I can’t bring myself to wear jeans that have holes, bleach stains, or sanded and faded areas on them.  That that statement probably means I just turned into the old man I said I would never be.
  • The official portrait for President Barack Obama has been released.  It’s the first to be taken with a digital camera, and I expected a smile.
  • Ice cream flavors to honor George W Bush.  Link
  • Just for Jonathan – Seven celebrity cats.  Link
  • Every year since since 1976, Woodie W. White, a black Methodist bishop, has written a public letter to Martin Luther King Jr., about the progress of racial equality in the U.S.  If you are interested in this year’s letter, you can read it here.
  • In honor of yesterday’s celebrity death, here’s your random TV show opening.
  • The Terrell Owens/ESPN saga is about to get interesting.
  • There’s a possibility I might have to travel to Chicago for business, but I’m not sure when.
  • This is the happiest and most content I’ve been for quite sometime.
  • My Vietnamese family called me yesterday just to tell me they miss the sound of my voice.
  • But I don’t feel I’m getting enough sleep at night.
  • Let me let me let me upgrade.
  • Two new businesses opened up in our neighborhood yesterday.  I wonder why a Wednesday of all days?  One was a Chipotle that gave out free burritos all day, and the line was wrapped around the corner and the police had to be called once.  I didn’t stand in line in case you were wondering.  The other place that opened is a Market Street grocery store.  Thankfully they sell bison for a decent price.
  • The season finale of Friday Night Lights was last night, and I suspect it will be their last show ever.  It was very bittersweet and brought back a lot of the feelings I had as I graduated high school.
  • My dad actually had a heart attack three days before my high school graduation.
  • Lost comes back on next week.  A recap aired last night.  I’m glad I recorded it because I need a refresher.
  • Sometimes the spell check on Firefox just stops working and that really irks me.
  • Last night on Letterman, Clint Eastwood mentioned he’s working on a Nelson Mandela script.  That sounds promising, here’s hoping Eastwood can complete the project.  He looks good for a 78-year-old man.
  • I really haven’t seen many of his movies.  Heartbreak Ridge is the one that stand out the most.  Oh, and one he did with an orangutan.
  • The Dallas sports scene is about as interesting as CSPAN at midnight.
  • I have gift cards, but no idea what to buy with them.
  • Grace
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12 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. MamaToots says:

    I am so proud of the research, study and most of all, prayer, with which you have sought your “fit’

  2. MamaToots says:

    OOPS! Hit the wrong key!
    Anyway…..God has been leading you to the place you need to be to grow in Him and to serve Him. This is so good.
    My prayer for you is that you embrace this change, should you decide to make it, and that you immerse yourself in the life of the chosen church. Be MORE than a member! Be a servant of God and a disciple to others.

  3. Chlp says:

    i was wondering do you speak vietnamese? i dont ever recalling you mention that in your blog? and do you listen to vietnamese music?

  4. Rev. Hart says:

    I’m surprised Barack isn’t smiling in the portrait. I guess I wouldn’t be smiling if I was inheriting the mess he’s getting either…

    And, I’m so glad your time with the pastor was so fruitful.

  5. Alex from the Mothership says:

    sola scriptura, solus christus, sola gratia, sola fide, soli deo gloria

  6. jonathan says:

    Why do I click cat links? I need therapy…

    and the gift cards make great re-gifts…and Pastor Appreciation month is October…

  7. kim says:

    “Thankfully they sell bison for a decent price.” Now, there’s a line you don’t hear everyday.

    Thanks for the cat links!

  8. CadMonkey says:

    The main reason I visit your blog EVERYDAY is that you are a VOCAL Christian and your posts are clean, spiritually intriguing and most of all fun. It is most interesting to read your BAG OF RANDOMNESS. I have often been inspired to research some of the topics you bring up and I have grown because of it. Keep up the good work, you are my blogging role model! (I almost put “idol” instead of “role model” but …)

  9. sheila says:

    Presbyterians are wonderful people.

    Clint Eastwood’s best movie is Million Dollar Baby.

  10. The Dude says:

    Bison…I’m impressed…Loves me some Venison…will send some pics…

  11. Chris says:

    Went by Market Street after work, place is great used to go to them when I was schooling in Lubbock.

  12. moldylikespresbys says:

    I think the Presbys are a great happy medium…and i think they use their brains a lot more!

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