Pronto Vaticano – Working the Vatican switchboard

It appears when one calls the Vatican you don’t get the “Press 1 for . . .” option.  Instead you get an actual human.

It’s a pretty interesting article, these pieces stood out:

  • “People ask us: ‘So you really work on Christmas? You work on Easter?’ ” she said. “Of course we do. The church is a mystic body. I feel that we are the heart of the church. And the heart never stops.”
  • At least once a day, someone insists on speaking, urgently and directly, with Pope Benedict XVI himself. The sisters respond with tact and prudence. They never say an outright “No.”
  • The sisters work from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. They recognize and tolerate certain regulars. One frequent caller identifies himself as Saint John the Baptist. He’s harmless, though he gets touchy if they don’t address him as “Saint John.”

Full Article

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