Local U2 Church Event

Sunday, November 9
5:00pm – 7:00pm

Though the four members of U2 comprise a mainstream, secular rock group, they are arguably the most influential Christian musicians in the world.

Join us as we explore the music and theology of one of the world’s biggest bands.  Themes of social justice, spiritual longing, redemption and grace are a big part of that theology and will be a focus of this program.

We will also celebrate the U2charist–Holy Communion using the songs of U2. Bring a friend to this evening of great music, theology, and fellowship!

Arapaho United Methodist Church
NE Corner of Arapaho & Coit
Richardson, TX


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2 Responses to Local U2 Church Event

  1. MamaToots says:

    I hope you will be able to attend. I know it would be meaningful to you.

  2. momma sadler says:

    my husband did this at The Village Church a few weeks ago and said it was great and def for the big U2 fan.

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