This Bag is Closed and Sealed

Well, it had to happen soon or later.  It’s been said many times, but all good things must come to an end.  It was fun while it lasted.

This is the final post on

Work has become increasingly demanding of my time and when I’m at home I don’t want to neglect my wife and my little fur-children.  Not to mention, the lack of comments and the lack of ad generating revenue has taken a lot of my motivation away.

Maybe with no others can also become more productive at work.

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36 Responses to This Bag is Closed and Sealed

  1. April Fool’s!!!!! Right?!?!?!

  2. Melissa says:

    oh…wow…i hope it is April Fool…i’ll comment on every story every day if you are don’t close up shop!!!

  3. Tammy says:

    I pray you are only kidding!!

  4. littlepastor says:

    It's about time. And is it true that you've gotten a cat?

  5. hot_bananas says:

    alright, andy kaufmann – happy april fool’s.

  6. MamaToots says:

    I appreciate your reasons for ending BON, but I feel a “joke” in the April breeze!??

  7. z says:

    It must be a joke. You’ve gained national notoriety. There is a columnist in Chicago who quotes you every now and then and provides a link to your site. You didn’t seem to have any problems posting your interesting finds while you were gallivanting all over the country, so I don’t see why a little bit of work would get in your way. Awww. Don’t go away.

  8. 3BoyMom says:

    Funny guy.

  9. Bryan says:

    I can’t tell you how sad I was until I realized the date.

  10. Warren says:

    It was getting boring anyways. You jumped the shark with the recent roadtrip.

    April Fools!!!!

  11. bpat says:

    It’s about time!! I only checked the site every day cuz my sister made me. Good riddance.

  12. Ryan says:

    In my brief stint on this planet, this is the worst news I've heard.

  13. Shawn Wilson says:

    DON’T DO THIS!!! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!! I WILL DO ANYTHING!!! wait………does your calender say April 1st? WHAT THE HECK!!! BON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. HeyJules says:

    Good try but you have to get up earlier in the morning than THAT to fool moi!

  15. simplyme says:

    I hope it’s April Fool’s…..I don’t want to be productive at work!!!!

  16. Mike says:

    GEEDING SAY IT ISN”T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You have become a part of my wife and my daily lives (the same for many others I am sure). Hope fully this is a well calculated if not some what cruel April fool’s joke.

  17. dan says:

    Man, I hope this is a hoax. BON is key to my morning rituals. Please tell me you’re joking

  18. Jeremy says:

    Well…now that I am reading the comments section and thinking about the April fools factor, I guess I shouldn’t have removed the rss feed from netnewswire huh? Shoot….

  19. Bunny Wilson says:

    Say it ain’t so!! Tell me it’s an April Fools joke!!!

  20. Patrick says:

    April 2nd is coming. We’ll see what happens then.

  21. Rev. Hart says:

    You just ripped a needle from our veins! We’re all in shock and withdrawal!


    See you tomorrow, Bag of Nothing.

  22. C-N-C says:

    I recently came in contact with Paul David Hewson (Bono) at the bacon producers Federation of America conference here in San Diego he expressed great interest in participating in BON with the possibility of online chatting. I also made some contracts with Oscar mire is very interested in possibly advertising and making BON part of their test market . too bad there will be no more BON , however this means I may get some work done around my house.

  23. George says:

    I didn’t realize you could blogspam your own blog. 😉

  24. suitepotato says:

    Well at least you didn’t RickRoll us…

  25. Lynn says:

    Can’t you just quit your job and continue BON? Please?

  26. Eileen says:

    At April Fool’s Joke.


  27. Darren says:

    If sensed this coming. You’ve been having a lot of Britney moments in the past year or so. You shaved your head.
    And while you haven’t had any babies, you are responsible for a rabbit dying!

    Please don’t tell us if you’re going commando…evar!

    Happy Fools day!

  28. BSG says:

    No funeral?

  29. tim says:


  30. scotty says:

    Ok, lets get the slow clap going


  31. Mimi says:

    Okay, the first time I come in a while and you’re gone.

    Well, hope this is an april fool’s joke.

    If not, goodbye and thanks for all the fish!

  32. John Paul says:

    It is now 9:03pm, central time on April 2nd…the lack of postings is troubling…surely your posting yesterday was not just coincidence…to good to actually end…

  33. noevadeaux says:

    I pinched my nose, refusing to breathe,
    waiting for you to start your blog back up.
    But alas, I am now dead,
    because I could not go that long without oxygen.

    You won.

    Are you happy?

    Dammit, I hope so.

  34. Dave Slosar says:

    Wow. sad to see this site go. I really enjoyed your posts. It was a regular site of mine. Best of luck to you and your family. Please reconsider, maybe just scale it back a little for some extra time for yourself…think about it. Aloha!

  35. Lorna says:

    Ahh man, I hope this is a joke. I lurk here like twice a week. Sorry I never thought to click your ads. I clicked them all tonight.

  36. George says:

    I know… the ad revenue isn’t what that $5 e-book said it was going to be. 🙁 So to make you feel better I decided I would come by and pick an ad to click on. Now, in order to abide by the “Terms Of Service” of your chosen ad networks I had to be truly enticed to click on an ad. I wouldn’t want your view/click ratio skyrocketing abnormally. So, after purposefully reading down the sidebar the only one my eye truly caught was an AdSense ad for I was truly enticed, how could I not click?

    My favorite thing there is an image of BinLaden and Barack side by side with a caption of:
    “The only difference between oSama and oBama is BS”

    Enjoy! 🙂
    I heart BON.

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