Walk Score – How walkable is your house?

Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc.


My Walk Score is 46 out of 100.


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2 Responses to Walk Score – How walkable is your house?

  1. Heather says:

    We got a score of 74…nice to know with a kid on the way…

  2. jane says:

    Walk score is a great service. With the help of it you can estimate your present location and see how walk able your neighborhood is. I have tried and my result is just 25. But how often do we walk nowadays? At http://drivescore.fizber.com/ I have found one more service very similar to this one. It is called Drive Score. With the help of it you can see how close establishments are by car. My drive score is 55.

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