I was not aware . . .

blondibio2.jpegThat Hitler had a dog named Blondi.

Wikipedia  FindAGrave

And I found this interesting:

During the Fall of Berlin, before Hitler committed suicide, he ordered his physician Dr. Stumpfegger to test his cyanide pills on Blondi to ensure they worked in order to prevent any harm to her by the invading Soviets. Soviets later found the bodies of Blondi and one puppy.

On April 30, 1945, on Hitler’s orders, Blondi, Hitler and Eva Braun were cremated with diesel fuel in the Reich Chancellery garden above his bunker.

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One Response to I was not aware . . .

  1. Heather says:

    I just read that yesterday because a friend put up a bulletin about judgement getting you to say Hitler would be the best leader due to him not cheating on his wife, etc. Funny…

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