BagOfNothing Fantasy Football League

I’m ready for some football!

I know football season is still down the road, but I wanted to take a chance and get started on a league before everyone else signs up in another league.  All my readers are more than welcome to sign up and play.  I’m actually curious to see if anyone out there will sign up.

I like to use the Sporting News’ Ulitmate Fantasy Football.


Because it involves a bit more strategy than the normal fantasy football leauge.  Basically you have $50 million to spend on players, each of which are valued at different prices, and their value can fluctuate as the season progresses.  You are also allowed 4 trades per week, and if you don’t use them, they carry over.  There is no live draft, and all players are available for everyone to use, it’s just a matter how you manage your portfilio of players.

The downer?  It costs $17.99 to play.  But if you break it down, that’s less than a $1 a week to play, so what do you have to lose? 

Any special kickers?  Yup, if we get ten people to play, then the winner of the league wins $50 – all of which is paid out by the Sporting News.

When you sign up, make sure to join this league:  BagOfNothing
with this password:  Micah68

Everything is case sensitive, so please be careful.  Any problems, please email me and I’ll try my best to help out.

More info can be foune here:  Game Rules

It’s the best fantasy football out there.

I’m looking forward to the competition!

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5 Responses to BagOfNothing Fantasy Football League

  1. littlepastor says:

    Now to convince my wife to let me pay $17.95 for a Fantasy Football league…

    Is it a live draft? What is the team limit?

  2. Geeding says:

    No live draft. It’s a lot like a stock market. You can own LT, and I can own LT, and you can get rid of him whenever you want – it’s all how you manage your squad or portfolio of players. You are kinda like a GM. Basically everyone is on the same level, so you can’t get upset b/c you are stuck with one player all season or get frustrated that someone has a player all season.

    Check this stuff out:
    Game Rules

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